Editor’s Note: This week four of Nerdonomy’s writers will be posting reviews of Star Trek Into Darkness. Knowing that no review is without subjectivity, we hope to give our nerdlings four different perspectives. Don’t worry; we’ll warn you if there’s a spoiler.
As a big fan of J.J. Abrams and his production company Bad Robot, Star Trek Into Darkness was my most anticipated movie of the summer, narrowly beating Man of Steel. I’m not a huge Trekkist like Eric Bricmont, nor am I a huge fan of Star Trek in general, but it was J.J. Abrams’ 2009 Star Trek reboot that got me interested in the characters, and thus developing an interest in the franchise as a whole. After seeing Into Darkness with the Nerdonomy family (minus Sean, in which he joined us in spirit) in IMAX 3D, I found multiple things that satisfied & excited my movie-going experience and faith in J.J. Abrams style for future projects.